Technomark marks your bike for free at the Tour de France workshops!
For the 106th edition of the Tour de France, Technomark is joining forces with the French Federation of Bicycle Users (FUB) and Amaury Sport Organization, to participate in bike marking workshops on the fan parks of this world event!

Why a bicycode?
In France, around 400,000 bicycles are stolen each year, of which 150,000 are found and only 2 to 3% returned.
To fight against this phenomenon, the Bicycode has been created. This is a code (coupled with a national database declared to the CNIL) marked on the frame of a bicycle, which deters theft and facilitates its return.
In other European countries, this service, set up by FUB, has reduced theft by 30% and returned 40% of stolen bikes to their owners.
To fight against this phenomenon, the Bicycode has been created. This is a code (coupled with a national database declared to the CNIL) marked on the frame of a bicycle, which deters theft and facilitates its return.
In other European countries, this service, set up by FUB, has reduced theft by 30% and returned 40% of stolen bikes to their owners.

Currently, of the 85,000 bicycles engraved in France, only 3% are stolen each year.
Don’t wait any longer to mark yours!